Grappa Nardini Bianca | Italian Liquor


Spirit Type: Grappa
Country: Italy
ABV: 50%
Bottle Size: 1L

Availability: In stock


Grappa Bianca Nardini from Bassano, Italy, is the undisputed leader in the market of high quality Grappa spirits. The fresh grapes used to craft this Grappa are very carefully selected from the northern Italian provinces of Veneto and Friuli. After these grapes are rested in silos where the fermentation process began, the grape pomace was distilled from late October to the early of May. This Grappa, Bortolo Nardini Blanca, was then aged for one year in stainless steel vats to be properly refined. Subsequently, it was passed through a double distillation process and cold filtered to obtain its maximum smoothness and expression.

Clear and un-aged, Nardini Grappa Bianca is twice-distilled from the pomace of cabernet, merlot, pinot bianco, and fruilana (tocai) grapes.


Bottle Size:
Grappa Nardini

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